Call: Educational Projects
Educational projects represent the practical part of education in architecture. The aim of these projects, applied to the theme of the Biennial, is:
1. To critically reflect upon public spaces (school, urban and rural). The best way to reflect is by doing something. To do is to transform the world we live in.
2.​ ​To transform these spaces. It is proposed that artistic ‘languages’ (architecture, painting, sculpture, literature, cinema, theatre, dance…) are used as “tools which transform” in such a way so that:
· Physhical transformation of the space is achieved. The children create an architectural project or produce a temporary or permanent design (for example, enhance the school yard, produce a temporary design for a communal square, create a garden plot, etc.)
· Symbolic transformation of the space is achieved. They strengthen the mental concept of “public space” (for example, they create a play, a film, a story, etc.).
The children/young people are the instigators of the work and projects exclusively.
However, artists and teachers can help the children express themselves using the techniques of the art form in question.
Individuals/organisations/groups who may be working on this subject or who may wish to participate by submitting a project in line with the following conditions, are invited to take part.
The deadline ended on 15 November, 2017, having submitted almost 90 proposals.
Check the registration form.